More than 11,800 property data (including mechanical and optical properties) for about 3,600 materials are available for free. Please access our database browsing system on the web, "TPDS-web" via links on the right panel of this page.
Thermophysical property data of Aluminium (Thermal conductivity, Specific heat capacity, Enthalpy)
1. Aluminium Poly Crystal :Thermal conductivity of CODATA recommended values or RRR (residual resistance ratio)
2. Aluminium Representative :Thermodynamic data of Specific heat capacity, Enthalpy and Entropy, Thermal conductivity, Atomic weight
3. Aluminium Bulk_Structure unknown :Thermodynamic data of Specific heat capacity, Enthalpy and Entropy, Thermal conductivity, Atomic weight
3.1. Aluminum (99.997wt%) :Linear thermal expansion coefficient
3.2. Aluminium Bulk :Thermal diffusivity
4. Aluminium Wire_Structure unknown :Electrical resistivity
Thermophysical property data of Molten Aluminium (Density, Thermal conductivity, Viscosity, Specific heat capacity, Enthalpy)
1. Molten Aluminium :Density and Viscosity of IUPAC recommended data, Thermodynamic data of Thermal conductivity, Specific heat capacity, Enthalpy and Entoropy
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