AIST>Network Database System for Thermophysical Property Data
Network Database System for Thermophysical Property Data is developed and run by AIST, and is available for free. Thermophysical properties data (ex. Thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, heat capacity, density, surface tension and vapor pressure) for liquid, solid and melts are stored in this database.
Browsing DB by Web browser: TPDS-web
- TPDS-web operation manual -
release date:2009/02/02
TPDS-web/full screen structure
TPDS-web/full is comprised of 4 screens, main, search, material statistics and property statistics.
2.1 Main screen
Figure 1-1 is the screenshot of main screen. It is comprised of login form, menu bar, simple search form, material tree frame, material data frame, property data frame and search result frame&graph select frame.
Ffigure 1-1 Main screen
2.2.1 Search screen
Figure 1-2 is the screenshot of search screen. It is comprised of property selection form, material name entry form, start searching button and search result display frame.
Figure 1-2 Search screen
2.2.2 Simple search screen
Figure 1-3 is the screenshot of simple search screen. It is comprised of property selection form, material name entry form, start searching button and search result display frame on the main screen.
Figure 1-3 Simple search screen (Main screen)
2.3 Material statistics screen
Figure 1-4 is the screenshot of material statistics screen. It is comprised of menu bar, login form, fluid materials statistics data table and solid&melt materials statistics data table. These two tables shows the statistics for each material group. You can jump to the material tree from each group name. Click "View" on the List of Properties to browse the statistics for each property in appropriate group.
Figure 1-4 Material statistics data
2.4 Property statistics screen
Figure 1-5 is the property statistics screen, and it shows the number of recorded data for each property. Click "View" on the List of Material to display the statistics for each material group.
Figure 1-5 Property statistics data
Browsing system by web browser
It is possible to use simple search or data comparison of the browse system without depending on a certain OS or browser.